Bollywood actor Anupam Kher’s office on Veera Desai Road was recently robbed. The incident, which occurred on the night of June 20, 2024, resulted in the theft of a safe containing Rs 415,000 in cash and film negatives. The theft was discovered by the office staff at around 9:45 AM on Thursday when they found the locks broken.
Kher, 69, took to his X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram accounts to share details of the robbery. In his post, he detailed how the thieves broke through two doors to access the accounts department and stole a safe and a box containing film negatives produced by his company. The actor refrained from naming the specific film whose negatives were taken.
“Last night in my Veera Desai Road office, two thieves broke two doors and stole the entire safe from the accounts department and the negatives of a film produced by our company which was in a box. Our office has filed an FIR,” Kher wrote in Hindi.
The Mumbai Police swiftly acted on the case, and within a short period, arrested two men, Majid Sheikh and Mohammad Daler Bahrim Khan, in connection with the theft. According to a tweet by ANI, both individuals are serial thieves known to commit thefts across various parts of the city. CCTV footage from outside the building showed the culprits leaving the scene in an auto-rickshaw.
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An official from the Amboli police station confirmed the arrests and the ongoing investigation. “Mumbai: Two people – Majid Sheikh and Mohammad Daler Bahrim Khan – were arrested by Oshiwara Police for committing theft at the office of actor Anupam Kher. Both of them are serial thieves and commit thefts in different areas of the city,” reads ANI’s tweet.
The First Information Report (FIR) was registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, and further investigation is underway.
(With inputs from agencies)