It has been a week since Rajesh Krishnan’s Crew came out. The film, featuring Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon is being hailed as Bollywood’s first female heist comedy. The film has been doing brisk business with the audience lapping up the film a week after its release. Now, Kriti Sanon has responded to the chatter around a possible sequel of the film.
In an interview with news agency PTI, Kriti also added that it ‘puts a lot of pressure on the writers’. The film has been written by Nidhi Mehra and Mehul Suri.
Kriti talks about Crew sequel
Kriti, who plays a flight attendant in the film spoke about how people have loved the film. “People have been loving it. We would genuinely love to be back and do something fun. Obviously, it puts a lot of pressure on the writers… It’s the audience that motivates the makers for a sequel. When they love something so much, you feel you can definitely do something next. So, hope so. It’s nice to see the response to the content. Then, it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. It’s just the content that was loved, something which the cinema should actually aim for… Where box office numbers don’t depend on a male-centric film or female-centric film and it’s about only content.”
“It doesn’t have to be led by a man to pull the audience to the theatre…But we haven’t seen a film with three women. Here, you have three women belonging to different generations, almost a decade apart with solid, unique roles. People also love chemistry and I am so happy about it. It’s a trio that people had never imagined and that’s what made it exciting,” she added. In the film, Kriti played the role of a nerdy Divya Rana.
About Crew
Heist comedy Crew is soaring high at the box office. The film follows three air hostesses — played by Tabu, Kareena, and Kriti — whose future seems uncertain as their airline Kohinoor is on the verge of bankruptcy. Desperate times lead to desperate measures as the three decide to bring back what they feel belongs to them.